May our Creator guide us all towards the straight path of Islam, saving us from eternal fire of Hell and making us all enter eternal Paradise. Their heart contemplating the light of Your Love. Strengthen my hand and my heart when I faulter, for I cannot weaken if You are with me. Ifraz Salih 29 April at Oh how blessed, how blessed, are those who have found You,. talib al habib heartsong mp3

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Strengthen my hand and my heart when I faulter, for I cannot weaken if You are with me. Peace and blessings of our Creator be on you all brothers and sisters in humanity all over the world. Searching for the way that leads back to you. Would that I had the wings of Gabriel to ban me aloft to the Lord of the Throne.

talib al habib heartsong mp3

Pl do read it in full without any prejudice before closing it …… Ifraz Salih 29 April at Oh how blessed, how blessed, are those who have found You. One of reasons for revealing the Quraan was that the previous true scriptures revealed by our Creator were corrupted by some people to gain material benefits so falsehood and truth got mixed up and to save mankind from Hell Fire and make them enter eternal Paradise, the Quraan was revealed which is being protected by our Creator Himself.

I send my heartsong across the empty silences to You, may You fill me with peace and with light.

What was in hearts and minds I. Send me a light and a lantern to guide me, this world weary traveller is yearning for hope. Keep on Asking our Creator to guide us to the straight path after sincere repentance from our sins - an act which lifts up the curtains between us and our Creator so that we feel His existence and 2.

May our Creator guide us all towards the straight path of Islam, saving us from eternal fire of Hell and making us all enter eternal Paradise. Thrust me on forth in this path that I wonder, the way of the heart is a long road and hard. Newer Post Older Post Home.

talib al habib heartsong mp3

Yet still I stumble taljb a wondering soul among the lost. Their heart contemplating the light of Your Love. So let this be the prayer of the traveller who yearns for You.

talib al habib heartsong mp3

May our Creator reward and guide us and you and make us repent from our sins. All the Messengers peace and blessings of our Creator on them sent by our Creator in different parts of the world at different times, reminded the mankind of the same covenant until He decided to send his final messenger i. Making all out efforts to find it the straight path i. Entering eternal Paradise and becoming safe from eternal Hell Fire Msg being communicated as received, for the sole purpose of eternal success of mankind.


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